All That Biographical Junk

So… about me” sections are super weird. I hate writing them because as soon as I do I feel like I have said entirely too much and yet not nearly enough. That said, I am going to try my best at all that biographical junk… so here we go!

I am Ryan Cagle, and if you visit Twitter you will read that I am…

Trailer Trash | Liberationist | Christ-Haunted or some shit | Very Pentecostal | Clumsy Contemplative | Teilhardian

But, that is obviously not the whole story. So I will try to explain…

I am a self-described trailer trash wannabe theologian currently living in Flagstaff, Arizona, where I work on curating experimental faith gatherings for 20-30 somethings for the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, along with being the Director of a multi-church collaborative youth ministry called The Flagstaff Youth Cooperative.

My love for the evolutionary vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is only rivaled by my passion for creating resources and opportunities or those trying to navigate the wilderness that is a life of faith/spirituality.

But, I guess most of that is really about what I do and not so much who I am

So depending on the day…

I am Beloved and Broken. Lost and Found. Saint and Sinner. Husband to a fiery no-bullshit kind of woman. Father of two wild children. Friend (shitty). Skeptical yet forever hoping. Depression haunted but overcoming. Lover of Liberation Theology, Heavy Metal Music, Books, Ale8, and Star Wars.

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